What would be a gluten free diet

By | July 8, 2020

what would be a gluten free diet

Complete our Celiac Disease Symptoms Checklist and share the results whether a food contains gluten. A healthy diet is about smart food chocies and not with your doctor. Plus the more people who get diagnosed, more money will go glutten research. How about going right to the source instead.

But others, like the gluten-free diet, have arisen from a legitimate medical need. A diet without gluten is used to help alleviate symptoms of celiac disease, an autoimmune condition that affects nutrient absorption and prevents the digestion of gluten. Now many people are going gluten free despite not having this or other similar health conditions that necessitate eliminating gluten. In fact, the number of people on the gluten-free diet is almost double the number of people diagnosed with celiac disease. First things first: Gluten is a protein. Oats are naturally gluten free, but may also be cross-contaminated with gluten if they were processed in a facility with gluten-containing foods.

It should be as simple as ordering a potato or vegetables instead if spaghetti but food manufacturers and restaurants have figured out that wheat is addictive and purposely added wheat to everything. Were my comments about the science behind the Paleo diet not part of a healthy dialog or otherwise unreliable? Keep your dietary choice to yourself???? However, non-celiac gluten sensitivity is highly controversial. Ancient means only about 10, years ago, folks.

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