How is ketogenic diet different than atkins

By | June 21, 2020

how is ketogenic diet different than atkins

The first is to always check with a physician or registered dietician. Many carbs — particularly refined carbs like sweets, chips, and sugary drinks — are high in calories and may contribute to weight gain 7. FYI, here are some other side effects to keep in mind before trying keto. Finally, ketosis may help burn fat, but it may also burn muscle to use for energy. And it can help lower your blood sugar if you have type 2 diabetes or are pre-diabetic. So when there is less insulin produced, there are less fluctuating sugar levels, and, therefore, fewer cravings. Emphasis is placed on high-fat and high-protein foods, with the source of carbohydrates coming from dark, leafy greens. In fact, the opposite may be true.

There’s no denying that people are really into the low-carbohydrate, high-fat ketogenic diet. In fact, you’ve probably already been lectured about the benefits of going keto from cubicle mates, cousins, or that annoying guy at the gym. With all the keto talk going around, you have noticed that it sounds a lot like another low-carb diet out there: Atkins. On the surface, the two diets seem pretty similar, since they both emphasize eating more fat and reducing carbs. But there are actually some very big differences between the two diets.

Both stipulate a drastic reduction in high-carb foods, including sweets, sugary drinks, breads, grains, fruits, legumes, and potatoes. The Atkins diet is one of the best-known diets worldwide. Though Atkins has evolved to offer a variety of plans, the original version now called Atkins 20 is still the most popular. As you approach your goal weight and advance through these phases, your daily carb allowance increases, allowing you to incorporate a greater variety of foods. However, even during Phase 4, which allows for up to grams of net carbs per day, you consume significantly fewer carbs than most people normally eat. It was first used to treat children who experienced seizures, but researchers discovered that it may benefit other people as well 2, 3. The goal of the keto diet is to get your body into the metabolic state of ketosis, during which it uses fat rather than sugar from carbs as its main energy source 4.

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