Can I help my Meniere disease with diet

By | October 21, 2020

Can I help my Meniere disease with diet

If this limit does not help, please consult your doctor. Read nutrition labels. Know how much sodium is in your foods. Look up nutrition facts for free at calorieking. Ears Otology.

Avoidance of non-dietary substances such as nicotine and some types of medications may also reduce symptoms. The fluid that bathes the sensory cells of the inner ear known as endolymph maintains a constant volume and contains specific and stable concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other electrolytes. Dietary strategies for regulating fluid balances involve modifying the amount and fluctuations of certain substances consumed and reducing or eliminating other substances that can adversely affect the inner ear. These dietary strategies may be incorporated into an individualized nutritional plan developed with the help of a physician or dietitian. Sodium intake affects body-fluid levels and their regulation. Sodium occurs naturally in all foods and in drinking water. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults limit their sodium intake to no more than 2, mg milligrams per day. People on restricted-sodium diets may be limited to 1,—2, mg of sodium per day, or about one-half to one teaspoon of salt. Some people find that it is difficult to adapt to a reduced-sodium diet because salt is so often used to add flavor to foods.

Sodium causes fluid retention and can make your symptoms worse in your inner ear. Curiously, less than 1. I could let Meniere’s Disease control me or I could control it. The fluid that bathes the sensory cells of the inner ear known as endolymph maintains a constant volume and contains specific and stable concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, and other electrolytes. I changed my diet but I’m still human and I like to indulge from time to time. Some frozen or canned food items are available without added salt. Vertigo was minimal, luckily.

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