Ketogenic diet treatment for add

By | September 26, 2020

ketogenic diet treatment for add

I knew I could feel better somehow and would read an article or maybe a medical study from time to time. Did you enjoy this guide? It is not restricting. The popular documentary The Magic Pill follows two children with epilepsy and autism as their families convert from a high-carbohydrate, processed-food diet to a low-carb, unprocessed ketogenic diet. Pfeifer has spent more than 20 years treating epilepsy in children for whom medications do not work. Flash forward to today. When I am on a fairly strict paleo-keto diet my symptoms almost completely disappear. Each adult and child with ADHD is unique; for some people, more conservative steps may be effective in treating symptoms.

The short answer: Maybe. And some experts are wary. It is very difficult. Although the keto diet can provide you with all of these benefits, it may also provoke a negative reaction if the ADHD symptoms are related to allergies and intolerances to common keto-friendly foods.

So could it be used to treat ADHD symptoms naturally as well? This popularity is due, in part, to studies linking a keto diet to impressive weight loss, insulin stabilization, and decreased seizures in children. Which naturally leads patients searching for non-pharmaceutical ways to reduce attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ADHD symptoms to ask: Can it work for ADD, too? The short answer: Maybe. No solid research about keto and ADHD yet exists, however early indications suggest that it may reduce some symptoms.

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